
See also Transfers in general.

Segmented Downloads

Split a file into segments and download with multiple connections when a file is larger than 100MB. The use of segmented downloads can be disabled in Preferences → Transfers → General → Downloads → Segmented download with multiple connections for file.


Double click a file in the browser window to download to the default download location as configured in Cyberduck → Preferences → Transfers.

Download using drag and drop

Drag the files or folders to the desired download location in the or Explorer.

Toolbar button

Customize the browser toolbar using menu View → Customize Toolbar… to add the Download toolbar button to the default configuration.

Send Command

The download menu

Select File → Download or right-click the file in the browser to select Download in the context menu. If you are not connected to a server in a browser you can still choose File → New Download if you know the exact URL of the file or folder.

Queue a file to be downloaded later

Drag the file from the browser to the Transfers window to be downloaded later.

Where From

macOS only

Downloaded files have added metadata of its origin URL. displays this information in File → Get Info.

Hidden Preferences


macOS only

Downloaded files are flagged with the attribute. The attributes associate basic information with the file, such as its type, when it was received, and the URL from which it came. When the Finder or any other program uses Launch Services to open a quarantined file, Launch Services inspects the file to see if it appears to be an application, script, or other executable file types. If so, the system displays an alert informing the user that the file is an application and asking for confirmation that it should be executed. The alert lets the user open the URL from which the file was downloaded, launch the program, or cancel. If the user proceeds to open the file, Launch Services removes the quarantine attributes from that file.

A hidden configuration option.

defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck false

Files downloaded to edit do not have a quarantine flag set by default.

Temporary document icon

Don’t change the document icon while downloading. A hidden configuration option.

defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck false