Synchronize Folders


Files can be synchronized by selecting the directory to synchronize in the browser and select File → Synchronize. You will be prompted to select the directory on your computer to synchronize the files with.


The options in Preferences → Transfers → Timestamps must be enabled.

The criteria to download or upload a file are given by

  • the modification date of the files and if available

  • the MD5 checksum of the file (for S3, Azure, and CloudFiles)

You will be prompted to confirm the actions and if missing files should only be downloaded, uploaded, or mirrored.

Send Command
  • Checkbox: Toggle to include or exclude files or directories from the transfer.

  • Down Arrow: The file is downloaded from the server replacing the local file if included.

  • Up Arrow: The file is uploaded to the server replacing the remote file if included.

  • Plus Sign: The file does not exist and will be newly created when transferred.

Mirror Files

Files are transferred in both directions and created if missing or replaced with the newer file on either system depending on the timestamp.

Only Download Files

Files are downloaded that match one of the following criteria:

  • Do not exist on the local filesystem

  • Have a different checksum

  • Have a newer timestamp on the server

No files are uploaded.

Only Upload Files

Files are uploaded that match one of the following criteria:

  • Do not exist on the server

  • Have a different checksum

  • Have a newer timestamp on the local filesystem

No files are downloaded.

Other solutions

You have to manually restart the synchronization in the transfer window. If you want to automate things you will be better off with either

  • Cyberduck CLI which allows you write a script and schedule ot with your preferred method such as cron.

  • Mountain Duck which allows you to mount the remote volume and synchronise files with any of your preferred tools such as rsync.