Google Drive

Send Command


Download Mountain Duck as an alternative to Drive File Stream.


Connect to your Google Drive to store plain files.


Google Drive uses OAuth 2 to allow Cyberduck to access your files on Google Drive. Choose your account email as the username in the bookmark and choose Allow on the website opened in your default web browser to allow Cyberduck to View and manage the files in your Google Drive. Copy the authentication code displayed into the login prompt.

OAuth 2 Authentication

OAuth 2 Prompt

Google Apps Accounts

To access the Google Docs storage of your company’s Google Apps Account, use your email address connected to your Google Apps account for the username.

Google Account With 2-Step Verification

Refer to Signing in using application-specific passwords on how to set an application-specific password to access Google Drive with 2-step verification enabled for your Google Account.

Multiple Accounts

You can connect to multiple accounts at the same time. Create a new bookmark for every account and run through the OAuth flow. Make sure to log out in your browser prior setting up a new bookmark to make sure the new bookmark is linked to a newly authenticated account.

OAuth Reset

If you have accidentally logged in with the wrong Google Drive Account or want to change the login of the Google Drive bookmark you can reset the OAuth token by deleting the entries related to https://Google Drive (user) out of the Windows Credential Manager or on macOS out of Keychain.

Custom OAuth Client ID

You can register a custom OAuth 2.0 client ID with Google to operate independently of our registered client ID.

Cyberduck CLI

You can list the root contents of your Google Drive with Cyberduck CLI using

duck --list googledrive:/

Refer to the Cyberduck CLI documentation for more operations. For subsequent invocations make sure to include the --username parameter and set it to the email address registered with Google to allow the lookup of previously saved OAuth tokens.


Google Docs Documents

For Google Docs documents (Docs, Sheets, Slides), URL shortcut files are displayed that point your web browser to the document in Google Docs.

  • .webloc on macOS

  • .url on Windows

Google Team Drives

Use the regular Google Drive connection type to see the Team Drives besides My Drive and Shared with me.

Shared Documents

Documents shared with you from another Google account can be found inside the top-level folder Shared with me.


Rate Limits

Google Drive is imposing rate limits to requests resulting in 403 Forbidden replies indicating the Rate Limit Exceeded error. Make sure you have set to Repeat failed networking tasks in Preferences → Connection and set a delay.

The granted scopes do not give access to all of the requested spaces

Please remove the previously saved OAuth tokens Google Drive (Email) OAuth2 Access Token saved in your keychain and reconnect to grant Cyberduck access to Google Photos.

Abusive Files

Google Drive may require the user is acknowledging the risk of downloading known malware or other abusive files. For such files a prompt Acknowledge the risk of downloading known malware or other abusive file is shown when the file has been flagged by Google as possible malware.