Swift (OpenStack Object Storage)

Send Command


Connect to a Swift (OpenStack Object Storage) installation. Choose Swift (OpenStack Object Storage) from the list of protocols.

Authentication Context Path

Authetication with devauth for context /v1.0

Legacy authentication option.

  • Download the Openstack Swift (v1) profile for preconfigured settings.

Authentication with swauth

Legacy authentication option.

  • Download the Openstack Swift (Swauth HTTPS) profile for preconfigured settings.

  • Download the Openstack Swift (Swauth HTTP) profile for preconfigured settings.

Authentication with Keystone 2.0 for context /v2.0/tokens

To get the login tokens from an OpenStack Identity service no configuration change is needed. You will get prompted to provide the tenant name with a Provide additional login credentials prompt or can provide it with the username in the format <tenant>:<user>.

Bundled by default since Cyberduck version 4.4.4.

  • Download the Openstack Swift (Keystone 2) profile for preconfigured settings.

If you have a Swift installation without SSL configured, you need an optional connection profile to connect using HTTP only without transport layer security.

  • Download the Openstack Swift (Keystone 2 HTTP) profile for preconfigured settings.

Authentication with Keystone 3.0 for context /v3/tokens

Bundled by default since Cyberduck version 4.8.

  • Download the Openstack Swift (Keystone 3) profile for preconfigured settings.

If you have a Swift installation without SSL configured, you need an optional connection profile to connect using HTTP only without transport layer security.

  • Download the Openstack Swift (Keystone 3 HTTP) profile for preconfigured settings.

You will get prompted to provide the project name with a Provide additional login credentials prompt or can provide it with the username in the format <project>:<user>.


Multiple regions are supported when authenticating with a Keystone (2.0) identity endpoint. Containers from all regions are displayed in the browser. Choose View → Column → Region to display the region in the browser.


On your first login, you will need to create at least one container (folder) to put your content in. Choose File → New Folder (MacOS ⌘N Windows Ctrl+N) and specify a name. After the container has been created, you may start adding your content to the storage platform.

Create Container

Cyberduck CLI

Connect with Cyberduck CLI usingthe default connection profile using authentication with Keystone 2.0 for context /v2.0/tokens with


Refer to the Cyberduck CLI documentation for more operations.

Temporary URLs

A private object stored in OpenStack Swift can be made publicly available for a limited time using a signed URL. The signed URL can be used by anyone to download the object, yet it includes a date and time after which the URL will no longer work. Copy the signed URL from Edit → Copy URL→ Signed URL.

  • Rackspace A value must be set on your account metadata for X-Account-Meta-Temp-Url-Key.

Large Uploads

Supported using Static Large Object segmentation. Files larger than 2GB are uploaded in segments using the default threshold. The upload chunk size is 100MB by default with a maximum of 5 concurrent connections. The number of connections used can be limited using the toggle in the lower right of the transfer window.

Large uploads can be resumed when interrupted.

Distribution (CDN)

You can CDN enable the container using File → Info → Distribution (CDN) if supported by the provider.


Large Upload Segment Size

You can set the hidden option openstack.upload.largeobject.size for the segment size in bytes (Issue #9134).

Known Issues

  • Authentication failure with ec2-credentials (Issue #7754)

Multiple OpenStack Swift containers in different regions with the same name

Browsing containers will be erratic. As a workaround, browse a region by using a connection profile limited to a single region as with Rackspace Cloudfiles region profiles.

In Finder.app, creating a new top-level folder in OpenStack Swift will not allow to rename it from untitled folder

Because OpenStack Swift does not allow to rename containers this operation will fail.
As of Cyberduck version 2.2 the new bucket is created only after renaming in Finder. Make sure to choose a filename with no whitespace.