Info Window

Select the file in the browser and choose File → Info (macOS ⌘-I Windows Alt+Return) to display detailed information on s file in a tool window. You can choose in the Preferences in the Browser tab to use the info window as an inspector of the currently selected files in the browser or open a new panel window to compare different files.

General Panel

Change filename

Type in the new filename and press Tab to leave the text field and commit the change.

Send Command

Calculate folder size

Calculate the size recursively of all contained files.

UNIX Permissions (FTP/SFTP)

Change the permissions on a particular file or folder when connected to a FTP or SFTP server. You can also select multiple files in the browser to edit permissions. Click the checkboxes or enter the octal notation. The recursive options will update all files within a folder but will nor change the executable bit for files if not already set when recursively updating a directory.

Send Command

Access Control List (ACL)

Edit access control list for fine grained user permissions when connected to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Google Drive.

Send Command

CDN Panel

Manage Amazon CloudFront and Rackspace/Akamai distributions (CDN) respectively.

Amazon S3 Panel

Settings specific to the Amazon S3 service.

Send Command

Metadata (HTTP headers)

View and modify metadata attributes of files.

Any non-standard HTTP header values are (transparently) prefixed with the following values following the guidelines from the different providers:

Send Command