
Application Support Folder

Inside the application support folder, the application saves files needed for their operations e.g. settings, log data, history files, etc.

You can reach the application support folder by choosing Go Go to folder within the Finder menu, copying the path below into the appearing window, and clicking on the Open button afterward.

~/Library/Group Containers/ Support/duck/

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Open a new ticket using the issue tracker with a description of what you have done and what went wrong or describing the missing functionality in detail. Make sure to look or search for existing tickets first.

Logging Output

Cyberduck 7.9 or later required.
Log output can be found in the cyberduck.log file in ~/Library/Logs/Cyberduck. You can easily reach this file in (Open from /Applications/Utilities) under Reports Log Reports cyberduck.log.

You can only access the transcript which will log protocol request and responses. In particular useful for protocols using HTTP. Open a window and enter

log stream --predicate '(process == "Cyberduck") && (category == "transcript")' --level info

Debug Log
To enable debug logging open a window and enter

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ch.sudo.cyberduck.plist logging debug

Reset the logging configuration with

defaults delete ~/Library/Preferences/ch.sudo.cyberduck.plist logging

Reset Cyberduck for any logging configuration change to take effect.

Heap Dump
To create a heap dump of the Cyberduck process on macOS (in case of excessive memory usage for example) you can use jmap from the OpenJDK 13.

jmap -dump:file=cyberduck-dump.hprof [PID of Cyberduck process]

Feature Requests

If you have a feature request please make sure to include a detailed and comprehensible description of the requested function in the ticket. Make sure to check if someone already requested a similar feature.

Crash Reports

Crash reports are saved to ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Cyberduck_*.crash.

Get Support

For issues with your account credentials, please instead write to your hosting service provider. For bug reports or a feature request you can open a ticket in our public issue tracker. Discuss features and issues you are having in the Cyberduck Google Group.